Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Today is Tuesday. Every Tuesday here on DeathMetalMommy Yodels the Blues will henceforth be Phobia Tuesday. Why? Because it isn’t always easy to think of something to write and in this case boundaries are liberating. That, and some of this stuff is just begging to be made fun of. Not that fear is funny...well, some fear is.

Our phobia for the day, children, is BAROPHOBIA. No, this is not a fear of drinking or of public watering holes. Nor is it a fear of ballet studios or prison. Barophobia is a fear of...gravity. That’s right. Somewhere out there is someone who is terrified of the thought that something invisible is pulling them down.

Perhaps these people would be more comfortable floating about. This is a good example and proof that not all fears are rational. (My apologies to any and all barophobics, but if you are one, please email me)

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